Are you looking for a highly experienced, efficient, drama-free creative partner—one who works as a seamless extension of your team? Do you want the kind of creative-meets-executable strategic thinking that only comes from years spent honing the creative craft in-house and agency-side on powerhouse brands?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.

  • I’m Vanessa Bauch, founder of I Want A Writer. I am a Creative Co-conspirator: a creative director and copywriter who has spent the last 10+ years bringing brands to life.

  • I create smart online and offline work that honors the fact that there’s a human (most likely a busy one with better things to do) on the other end of each communication I create.

  • My clients are those who know that their customer’s attention must be earned—and should be rewarded—with concepts and copy that are carefully crafted to deliver a return on their interest. 

    I work with B2C and B2B clients who hire me for:

    • Websites
    • Online & Offline Advertising
    • Social Media Campaigns
    • Blogs and Articles
    • Taglines
    • Collateral
    • Packaging
    • Company & Product Naming
    • Brand Guides

  • I can work as a solo wordsmith. Or, I can lead a team made of writers, designers, programmers—whoever is needed to take your project from inception through completion. I have a network of some of the best freelancers and boutique agencies in the biz, many who I've been partnering with for years.

    Regardless of how we engage, you’ll get fantastic creative with fast turnaround and clear, direct communication. Nothing is lost in translation. No meetings about meetings. The work is as bang-on as you’d hope and expect. The process is easier than you ever thought it could be.

    What’s more, I’ve never missed a deadline once—and I don’t intend to start.

  • I cut my teeth at agencies and in-house at companies. I left to work directly with clients, instead of behind-the-scenes. While I do miss the ludicrously well-stocked corporate kitchens, it’s a reasonable tradeoff for getting to work one-on-one with you on every project. 

    My last job before founding I Want A Writer was at a prestigious advertising agency. It was 24/7. Meetings at 1 am. Every weekend in the office. After not coming home for three days straight, I stood up at midnight and gave my two weeks’ notice. 

    I Want A Writer was born shortly thereafter. No malarkey. No extra layers adding confusion, delays, and costs. No one spending the night under their desk.

  • Honesty is the most powerful conceptual approach.

    Words to work by

  • Curiosity is the catalyst for creativity.

    Words to work by

  • Be fair. Be reasonable. Be nice.

    Words to work by

  • True partnership creates amazing work and delightful days.

    Words to work by

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